What Is Fear?

I found this poem about fear that my son, Jace, wrote at the age of 16, and I wanted to share it with you because his point of view is thought-provoking.

What is fear?

What Is Fear?

by Jace Jordan

There is no fear, or is there?
Our minds are tools of higher forces,
which grip and tease our every human sense.
When we are sure that our safety is guaranteed,
Our minds will paint pictures that make us bleed.
Negativity clouds our minds and all bravery is dampened,
by a holy devil called fear.
We are punished by “what ifs” and even
our ever-trusted gut feel betrays our need.
Surely there is something that can overcome sense?
Something powerful, something free,
that nor man nor beast can see.
What if?
The spirit controls all,
on a deeper level than mere sight.
To plunge into the unknown
with no force or command, is right.
Even though our eyes can perceive,
they cannot compare to what our spirits can achieve.
So take that leap and do that dance,
because who will know when you’ll get another chance.

So are you afraid?


Mmmm… Until next time, let's challenge ourselves (and our children) and start creating the life that we truly want. Let us disarm that inner critic (which are based on our fears) and replace it with positive thoughts and affirmations to enhance our self-acceptance and self-love!

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Chantaul Jordan
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Wellness Coach

I enjoy a peaceful approach to life by living on purpose and fulfilling my passion. I am dedicated to assisting individuals to create a clear focus for themselves and to express it in a dynamic and authentic way.

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